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"Bare" is a tantalizing exploration of eroticism, woven from the threads of real-life encounters. From clandestine rendezvous to uninhibited confessions, the novel peels back the layers of desire, exposing the raw emotions and carnal yearnings that pulse beneath the surface. Each page is a seductive journey into the depths of human intimacy, where truth intertwines with fantasy, leaving readers captivated by the allure of the forbidden and the allure of the unknown.

This journal is unlike Dash's first book. 'The Intimacy Journal' is a guided journal to help you reach new levels of intimacy. Only you know what that looks like for you, but we wanted to create a space where you can be as expressive as you need to be. There is no right or wrong way to journal. There are no right or wrong answers to the prompts. This isn't something you have to be perfect with. Allow yourself to feel, think and be free in this process. The purpose of the questions, is to make you think deeply. Dig deep and be honest. We're all on our own journey to owning who we are, let's start this journey together!
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